My thesis_its statement


my name is Laura Boffi and I am a master student at the 2° year of the Man and Humanity program at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

I am currently developing my thesis about Biotechnology and Religion and this blog is meant to retrace my research and open a dialogue with the readers.

I have a feeling that society would be shaped by the mutual influence of scientific progress and the way people integrate the new technologies from a human perspective.

I believe that new universal values would emerge from the development of Biotechnology in everydaily life and that new rituals would raise from the introduction of these innovations.

I feel that science has always been related to the deepest questions of human kind and that the more it goes forward, the more it pushes us back to question our spirituality. The scientific progress has always been driven by our primitive need to retrace and challenge our human limits, both in biologic deterioration and time perceiving. Science is a religious faith itself for the ones who perceive and understand the physical finiteness of humanity. I see scientists as the most sensible people to human borders and their abnegation to research as an expression of the spirituality required by their work.

Once the chemist Lavoisier said that “the life is a chemical process”. I believe it but I also have a feeling that a lay, horizontal religious faith could be born from the biotechnologic processes of the future scenario.

statement-ok.jpg          living-iconography-1bis.jpg          living-iconography-2.jpg

(Photos in the “Living iconography” by David Artuffo)

One response

26 10 2007
Paolo Manzelli

The Entanglement theory tell us that there are two ways of communication of information. see in
A) The classic Info-Transmission from a local state 1 to a local state 2 . In this case the information can be tranmitted no faster than the spped of light.
B) After the entanglement of photon’s pairs the energy become near to the zero point ( lower to the Uncertainty principle level ) so that assumes an hologrammatic structure where there are a synchonic simultaneity of no classic Info-exhange in the entangled virtual chain of phonons.

The eyes-brain cooperation can utilize this second way to exhange of information .

As a matter of fact we are able to se immediately the sun light and we are not blind for about eight minutes in the morning before to see the juping up of the sun.

Please tray to think about. Paolo Manzelli OCT/26/07 Fi

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